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Please read below our policy on communicating with patients via electronic means, such as email.

Our Practice has an obligation to take reasonable steps to protect the privacy and security of information it holds, including when it is transmitted or disclosed outside the organisation.

The practice follows the RACGP recommendations to reduce the risk of interception of data and sending emails to incorrect addresses, including:

  • Use of passwords for sensitive information
  • Verification of the patient’s email address
  • obtaining patient consent
  • use of secure messaging facilities between practices where available

Our practice website is enabled to allow patients to email the practice.

Email is not our preferred means of communication. There is a risk that important clinical information sent to our address may be missed or not picked up, particularly time critical information. In addition, we urge all patients to carefully consider the issue of security before sending medical information via unencrypted email.

We encourage patients to phone the practice or make an appointment to discuss clinical issues.